Colourful Utah

The Utah fall colours are popping! Marco and I drove up Big Cottonwood Canyon yesterday to check them out!
IMG_8188 IMG_8199 IMG_8232 IMG_8235 IMG_8238 IMG_8254 IMG_8289 IMG_8295 IMG_8327This is my happy face after a week of MIDTERMS! Feels good to be done with them!!!! School has been really great so far this semester and I am stoked to keep learning and to continue to stay informed. Other than my school, ski season is right around the corner – between studying, working out, and having fun, it’s hard to believe that I could maybe be skiing next weekend if Colorado stays COOL! I am excited!! I just bought my amazing tuning machine (more to come on that in a future blog) and I am going to mount some skis this afternoon. Marco likes to point out that I am not actually “mounting” the skis, since my previous technician Martin already did that, but I am merely putting their bindings on.  Ok, well it’s all new to me, so either way, I feel empowered taking charge of my equipment and getting dialed in! Also, I will try to get back into blogging more! This is an exciting and important season and I want to share as much of it as possible!