My beautiful friend Meg got married last week, which made for a good excuse to do a quick East coast tour (emphasis on quick). We tried to make all the stops: Montreal, Tremblant, and Muskoka. It was a whirlwind, but a good one. We saw lots of friends and family and felt the hot, humid east coast air. We jumped in many lakes and prattled on about old times, current times, and future times. It was fun, but (as usual) it went by way too fast. It was crazy to think that this same week would have been my first week at McGill Law! And although I feel like I made the right decision, there are always “what if’s.” My life right now reminds me of many of the articles that are currently being published about “post-Olympic” feelings and struggles. My Olympics were six years ago, but I’ve been on the go since then, so I haven’t really had to stop and think about “what’s next.” Now I am finally trying to figure it all out, and it’s weird, and challenging, and fun, and tough. I know where I want to live (here), and I know who I want to share it with (Marco), so I’ve got half of it figured out at least! For the rest of it, time will tell – but as usual, I’m living up this freedom while I can. And so, with that said, we are off to Santa Cruz and San Francisco for the weekend – Go Giants!
Love the last two pics so much! <3